Territories, natural resources & food security


Meeting sponsored by the French Pavilion - World Expo Milano 2015

A major scientific event on food security & the preservation of natural resources!

For decades food security has been implemented primarily by national and international strategies. But it is actually not enough to ensure complete food security on the planet. How can we also think of food safety at the scale of a local community? How, beyond the food security problem, can we think about a policies of rational use of land, water and agricultural resources in a territory?

The Lascaux international meeting is an event of the World Expo Milan 2015. They will gather political representatives from French and foreign regions, provinces, cities, French and foreign researchers from the Lascaux program and the Loire Bretagne University, regional actors, local associations ...

They will be an opportunity to share and analyze public policies reconciling on a territory environmental issues, health issues, economic development and realization of the human right to food.

Location: MSH Ange-Guépin Nantes

Dates: 26-27 March 2015

To see the program: click on "program" tab or take a look at the website www.programmelascaux.eu

To register: click on "Register" tab

NB: The IUFN "Food caravan", initially planned on March 28th, will take place later in the year.

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